Wednesday, September 14, 2011

how to get kids to kinda drink powdered milk

 We've been here before, my husband is outta work till the 26th of this month and were never financially well equipped to handle it but our food storage has gained some ground since the last time we wiped it out. Milk is getting pretty limited, were down to a real gallon and several gallons of my sons lacto-free whole milk that nobody likes but my son. Last time I figured out that my daughter despises dry milk, so I thought to buy a big thing of strawberry milk powder (the nestle kind) to help it go down better. I made up some yummy granola pear muffins(we have a ridiculous abundance of pears) and also mixed up some strawberry milk for the kids and I to drink and it didn't go too bad, I think straws help with children too. I guess if your really thirsty you'll drink anything right?